Marvellous mangetout in June’s kitchen

Marvellous mangetout

We always grow some mangetout in the tunnel to get a really early crop of this delicious veg before moving on to a row of it in the veg plot. Martin grew some in a large pot as well this year so we’ve already had plenty in the kitchen. A lot of it doesn’t see the kitchen as it’s one of those veg we just can’t resist nibbling on while we’re working!

So simple and quick to cook it can be added in to stir fries for a bit of a crunch, used raw in salads or cooked simply and tossed in a bit of butter and seasoning.

The pods are best eaten as young and crisp as possible and not allowed to swell or go yellow. If you have got a good crop then pick them and store in an airtight tub with a damp piece of kitchen roll over the top. This should help keep them for 2 or 3 days.

For stir fries simply slice any larger ones in half diagonally and cook for just 2-3 minutes otherwise the best way to cook is in the microwave – add a dash of water then cook covered for 1-2 minutes.

If you want to try freezing them then I think they do need blanching first then simply reduce the cooking time a little. I tend to open freeze them in a single layer on a lined baking sheet then pack away in airtight bags.

Small pods are great to eat raw in salads. The other day I mixed some with some baby broad beans then added some cooked, crispy, smoked bacon bits, some feta cheese and added a balsamic salad dressing – a really good combination.


 Mangetout and prawn stir fry

Mange tout Finished shot web

A delicious meal that is light, zingy and full of refreshing flavours

This recipe is so quick and easy to do but get everything ready before you start!

I’ve added in some extra veg as they were ready to pick but you could just use mangetout.

Mange tout veg web

Serves 2 takes no more than 10 minutes

Good glug of oil

Thumbnail size piece of fresh root ginger, peeled and cut into fine matchsticks

1 garlic clove, diced

¼ – ½ chilli diced or ½ tsp chilli flakes

200g raw king prawns

2 handfuls (about 75g) mangetout, large ones sliced in half

1 small courgette, cut into thick matchsticks

Handful baby French beans (if larger slice in half lengthways)

Couple of scapes or 4 spring onions, sliced finely (see note below)

2 good tablespoons chilli jam

Juice half a lime

Good handful coriander leaves

Small handful cashew nuts

Pouch of microwaveable egg fried rice

  • Pop your oven on low to heat dishes and keep things warm.
  • Heat a largish frying pan or wok and add in the cashew nuts. Dry fry to toast them on all sides then put to one side – keep tossing them round in the pan or they will burn.
  • Add the oil and heat up then fry the ginger, garlic and chilli flakes for a couple of minutes.
  • Add the prawns and fry until they turn pink to show they are cooked – about 2-3 minutes depending on their size. Pop in a warm dish and keep warm in the oven.
  • Mange tout cook prawns web
  • Pop the rice on to cook – usually just a couple of minutes
  • Add a dash of water to the pan and add the veg. Stir fry for just 2-3 minutes until just cooked but with a lot of bite. Stir in the chilli sauce and lime juice.
  • Mange tout add chilli jam web
  • Add in the coriander then stir in the prawns along with any juices and toss everything together.
  • Mange tout add prawns web
  • Serve with the rice on the side and scatter the cashews over the top.


Onion scapes web 90%

Some of our onions were bolting and producing a flower spike so on the advice of a friend I now use them in the kitchen instead of composting them! They are known as scapes and have quite a strong onion flavour. I slice them finely and use in the same way as spring onions.