Autumn apple pie in October’s kitchen

I love to go into our fruit and veg store at the moment – it’s full of onions, potatoes, an odd pumpkin and of course apples! Although we’re big Bramley fans we’ve had a really good crop of Newton Wonder this year and they cook well, keeping their shape and taste. This pie is great at this time of year with its rich buttery pastry and an added treat of treacle toffee – perfect for eating round the bonfire!

 Toffee Apple Pie

This amount easily serves 6-8

For the pastry:

I make this pie with a rich, buttery pastry but if time is short then you can buy a ready made pack of pastry from the supermarket!

120g butter at room temperature

80g caster sugar

Pinch of salt

2 small eggs beaten

240g plain flour (sieved)

  • Put the softened butter, sugar and salt together in a bowl and cream together until the mix is pale and fluffy.
  • Add the beaten eggs and flour and combine together – don’t overmix at this stage.
  • Cover and pop in the fridge for a good hour.

For the pie filling:

75g butter

75g granulated sugar

500g cooking apples

175g toffee (I like to use Thornton’s special toffee)

1 beaten egg for glazing

Caster sugar for sprinkling

Large, deep pie dish

  • Melt the butter and sugar in a large saucepan whilst you core, peel and thickly slice the apple.
  • Add the slices to the pan and stir well. Bring to a gentle simmer for 5 minutes. Give a stir occasionally being careful not to break the apple slices.
  • Put into a cold, plastic bowl and pop in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to cool.
  • Place the toffee into a strong plastic bag and bash with a rolling pin to break into small chunks.

Now for the pie.

  • On a well floured surface roll out just over a half your pastry to a 5mm thickness and line the dish. Trim off any excess and save for trimmings.
  • With the remaining pastry, roll out a lid.
  • Lay the cooled apples into the pastry lined dish and scatter the toffee over the top of the apples.
  • Brush the edge of the pastry case with the beaten egg and place the pastry lid on top.
  • Press down the edges to seal and trim any excess. Use any trimmings to decorate the top and then glaze over the top of the pie with the egg.
  • Bake in a preheated oven 350°F, 180°C(fan 160), Gas mark 4 for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.
  • As soon as you take the pie from the oven, sprinkle with caster sugar.

We usually have this hot with loads of vanilla ice cream but thick cream or custard is just as good!