
Advisor & Amabassaor
As a garden writer and horticulturist Martin is happy to contribute to company websites, blogs and newsletters. He has worked with several companies over the years as their horticultural advisor and presents promotional and product videos.
Cobra Garden
Martin currently works with Cobra Garden who manufacture a wide range of petrol, electric and cordless garden and lawn care equipment. Martin trials and presents informational and promotional videos featuring their products for consumer and trade use.

Having had his first Haws watering can when working as an apprentice gardener many years ago Martin was delighted to be asked to be their ‘Watering expert’ and write a series on the art of watering.

Royal Horticultural Society
Judging – As a senior RHS judge Martin can be found at most RHS shows, including Chelsea, Malvern, Hampton Court and Tatton: clipboard and marking paddles in hand. He thoroughly enjoys the process of judging nursery exhibits.
Committees – Martin chairs the RHS Tender Ornamental Plant Committee who oversee trials, Awards of Garden Merits (AGM’s) and promote all tender plants including houseplants, seasonal bedding and container plants, cacti, succulents and exotics.
The RHS Gardens Committee advises and oversees the development of the society’s five gardens. As part of that committee Martin takes on the role as one of the garden advisors at RHS Garden Harlow Carr in Harrogate. He is very proud to be involved with this iconic northern garden and to work with the dedicated garden team there.
Great Yorkshire Show
Martin is a council member of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society and chairs the garden show committee for the Great Yorkshire Show which attracts around 140,000 visitors over four days. The garden show consists of award-winning nurseries and specialist growers and is always a popular attraction to visitors.
In 2021 Martin was delighted and honoured to escort the then Prince of Wales (Patron of the YAG) and the Duchess of Cornwall around the garden show!

Shows & Events
Martin has been a regular at several flower shows and gardening events for a number of years hosting gardening talks, giving practical demonstrations and sitting on Q&A panels. The combination of his broad gardening knowledge, friendly delivery and sense of humour makes him a popular choice with show and event organisers. He’s performed at all types of venue from large flowers shows, to plant fairs, stately homes to a cathedral and even a holiday camp!
Now with their Potting Shed stage Martin and Jill visit many of the major flower shows across the country including most of the RHS shows and several independent flower shows.
He’s never happier than when he’s talking to a gardening audience!
Get in touch with Martin
If you would like to get in touch with Martin about representing or helping your business in any way do please contact him on 07976 928005 or email martin@martinfish.com